Methods of Premium Payment

We will always send you full details about the Policy we are recommending together with our Terms of Business BEFORE cover is incepted to enable you to decide if the Policy is suitable for your needs. We will ask for full payment of the premium and any fees BEFORE inception, unless agreed otherwise at the time.

Payment can be made by one of the following methods;

  • Debit Card* or Bank Transfer – This is our preferred method
  • By Direct Debit

    For premiums in excess of £300.00 (excluding any fees and optional Add-Ons), we can arrange direct debit over 10 months with "Premium Credit". We will ask for a 30% deposit and the balance will be subject to a 10% charge (19.5% APR) – The balance will be spread over the following 9 months.

    For renewals on Direct debit, there is no need for a deposit to be paid – your renewal premium will be spread over 10 monthly instalments (Subject to a 10% charge)
  • We will also accept cash or cheque, although banks are putting more and more pressure on businesses (by way of extra bank charges) to withdraw this facility.

NOTE - For premiums over £1000 we can arrange finance at a reduced rate. Please calll for details

Credit Cards - We will only accept payment by Credit Card in exceptional circumstances

*Campton take security very seriously and adhere to all current Payment Card Industry (PCI) Standards

Campton Insurance Brokers (UK) Limited

126 High Street
Surrey RH9 8DX
Insurance Brokers
Tel: 01883 742460
Fax: 01883 744109